Qatar National Bank (QNB) SWIFT Code

Here is the complete list of Bank of Qatar National (QNB) and its subsidiaries SWIFT codes / BIC.

Qatar National (QNB) Bank SWIFT Codes / Bank Codes

BankSWIFT Code
Qatar National Bank (QNB)QNBA QA QA XXX

Swift Code QNBAQAQAXXX Breakdown

No. meaningful digits: 8 – The short 8-letter swift refers to the PRIMARY Office of QATAR NATIONAL BANK

Institution / Bank Code: QNBA – This is the institution / bank code assigned to QATAR NATIONAL BANK.

Country Code: QA – This is the 2-letter country code associated with QATAR (QA).

Location Code: QA – This represents the location code and the second digit/character has a value of “A”. See swift code general structure explanation above for details.

Branch Code: XXX – This branch code value means this is the Primary Office (or Head Office) branch for QATAR NATIONAL BANK (this branch code is optional).